Lava Rocks and the Value of a Buck

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Much to our chagrin, the previous owners of our house filled the flower beds up with lava rocks. Of course the rocks are grenades, lawn mower missiles, and flower killers so they had to go. Unfortunately, quite a few still hide in the bushes and in the mud.

Anyone remember Econ 110? I loved it because I think all people are motivated by self interest--even irrational 5 and 7 year olds. So I ran an experiment (don't tell the social workers) using my ki..., I mean guinea pigs.

On Monday, I offered $2.50 per bucket of rocks that the kids found. It worked pretty well. Brendan was the first to fill a bucket and then Natalie persisted and filled two buckets. Of course, we heaped the praises on them and gave them the money as soon as possible.

Now I know for a fact that there are still quite a few rocks out I offered them this.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow but Thursday and Friday we have other plans... I guess we'll see how much Natalie wants that Hanna Montana CD and how much Brendan wants another transformer.

I'll post their earnings tomorrow.


meg March 26, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

Ah, why wasn't I informed about this $5/bucket? I could have made a bundle, I already have the Hannah Montana CD, so I'd have to go for something different!

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