A Walk Turns Into A Wild Goose Chase

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The hayseeds and I decided we would go out for a little fun while Ezra was gone on his "catch up with the guys/BYU football game/laser tag/eat really good food/get two nights of uninterrupted sleep" weekend. We went to Bethany Lake park to see what was there.

We were having a great time exploring the new (to us) park with its little lake . It was a gorgeous fall day.

Brendan said it was too hot to wear a shirt. (It was in the low-60s that day).

Some nice folks gave us some bread to feed the ducks and geese.

Natalie and Brendan got scared by the geese. The geese were big--they came up past my waist. The kids started to run away, but they forgot to drop the bread. So the geese started honking loudly and chasing them. I managed to stop laughing long enough to yell at them to drop the bread. They did.

Come back, Brendan! (that's him way off in the distance between the power poles) I'll stop taking pictures so I can protect you like a good mommy should!


meg November 13, 2007 at 8:23 PM  

Those geese can be so mean! The geese in MI would come and hiss at us then charge! Crazy! When is YOUR relaxing trip away? :)

jenny November 15, 2007 at 11:37 AM  

oh, yeah, dads get all the fun! pretty lake!

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